Unfortunately the only glass dish I had had been smashed a few months prior, and never replaced. A mad dash around on the 23rd was fruitless, so there's no side view. I layered the Madeira cake - about a 3rd of it - on the bottom, chopped into bits. Then in the blender whipped up a 3rd/half of the raspberries and strawberries with castor sugar and some water, and mixed that in with the remaining full berries. Lastly, followed his recipe for custard very carefully. This whole recipe can be found in 'Gordon Makes it Easy', which is my favourite and most useful Gordon Ramsay cookbook, and definitely in our top 5 overall. The Madeira cake was layered with the fruit, then topped with the custard. and into the fridge overnight.
This left the other dessert up to Marty, and that you'll need to wait for in part 2 on Monday or Tuesday! See you then.
Bon Appetite xoxo