Thursday, March 17, 2011

A vegetarian surprise

It's always important to expand one's horizons, and as a confirmed carnivore, making and enjoying some vegetarian food is testing. I'm not a fan of tofu or soy, however my friend Kara made a gorgeous tofu and beetroot casserole which was superb and packed with flavour, and I really don't like mushrooms which everyone seems to put in and on most vegetarian dishes. What I do like are courgettes (zucchinis depending on where you're from) and Jamie makes a rocking courgette and rice dish which can be used as a main - as we did when Marty's cousin Rebecca came to visit. It's very similar to making a potato bake except that it has rice layered with courgette. It is also a fantastic alternative for those of us striving to be gluten-free, or as close to it as we can! I'm sure you'll agree with me, as a foodie - or even just as someone who loves to eat, it really is quite hard to cut out an entire food group. I keep myself to 75% - 85% each week. This basically means I have roughly 2-3meals that I can play around with, as long as I watch the rest of the week. The only exception is at the moment having toast for breakfast - wholegrain, and the occasional sandwich for lunch. On top of the gluten-free thing one has to remember to keep enough proteins in the diet, and also eat enough low GI food to stay full for longer, and if any one's a follower of Chinese medicine eating brown rice and whole grains is important for Spleen function. It's exhausting keeping up with everything! Sometimes I feel I have to have a glass of wine to plan my week's meals ;)

The Courgette Gratin 

A side of curry pineapple
If anyone wants the recipe let me know and I'll send it along!

Ciao xoxo

Monday, March 14, 2011

The Christmas Dessert showdown... Part 2.

Let me begin by quoting Jamie for this one, 'It's exotic, dramatic and absolutely delicious...' What chance did my humble trifle have? Marty made the amazing M'Hanncha with Date sauce and although I've searched for the recipe online, I must advise you to watch the series and grab the Jamie Does... cookbook. This is another nod towards Morocco, and another reason that we have to plan a holiday there in our future. Just another example from a fabulous place that they have some exciting and appealing cuisine.

This was a work of art when Jamie did it, and I'm sure with plenty of practice we'll get it looking the same, and although it wasn't an exact replica it was impressive. I have never seen anyone make quite so much mess though! The pictures tell a great story, and this was delicious days after warmed with ice-cream.

I also know that many chefs have tempers and are foul-mouthed, but I haven't heard one of them ever say those things to filo pastry before. Let's suffice it say that it was a b@#%ch to deal with! The method to make this is complex in the execution as it requires a quick hand to keep the pastry pliable, put the filling down, and then roll it into a snake shape. Frustrations abound. But it was delicious, dramatic and worthwhile, and sometimes a picture really does say a thousand words. Enjoy.

And that my friends is the finished product! Not quite the same as the picture in the cookbook, but super delicious!!

Ciao xoxo