This was a work of art when Jamie did it, and I'm sure with plenty of practice we'll get it looking the same, and although it wasn't an exact replica it was impressive. I have never seen anyone make quite so much mess though! The pictures tell a great story, and this was delicious days after warmed with ice-cream.
I also know that many chefs have tempers and are foul-mouthed, but I haven't heard one of them ever say those things to filo pastry before. Let's suffice it say that it was a b@#%ch to deal with! The method to make this is complex in the execution as it requires a quick hand to keep the pastry pliable, put the filling down, and then roll it into a snake shape. Frustrations abound. But it was delicious, dramatic and worthwhile, and sometimes a picture really does say a thousand words. Enjoy.
And that my friends is the finished product! Not quite the same as the picture in the cookbook, but super delicious!!
Ciao xoxo
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