Monday, April 18, 2011

And the weekend of food continued!

After the gastronomic extravaganza that was Sunday, Marty hit the pans again for a delicious dinner on Monday night too. He whipped up part of the following meal - the dauphinoise and the chicken - but I would definitely recommend adding some greens to this. The cream overload proved exactly that and I certainly felt guilty for not having the RDI of green veg!

The dauphinoise were spectacular, the chicken delicious and the link too easy! My other recommendation for this meal is to perhaps separate the 2 creamy aspects into different meals. The reason being is that this foodie has not consumed that made rich dairy in months in one sitting and was very sick and unhappy the next day. I did think it was food poisoning at 1 point, but Marty wasn't sick and is so fastidious about cleanliness and the correct procedures when dealing with chicken that I knew it couldn't be that. It left me to believe that it was simply MY stomach that was being intolerant. If you eat rich food on a regular basis it may be fine for you, Marty consumes an incredible amount of dairy on a daily basis and was alright, but besides the daily - and sometimes not if I'm being good - flat white with 1, I don't do a lot of dairy.

The most unfortunate part of this all is that I LOVE Dauphinoise, and because I was so sick and lost my appetite - it's still misplaced - I didn't get to enjoy the leftovers.

Some time this week I'm going to update you on the Preservation Factory and how we did the preserved lemons. And I'll give you a sneak peek of what Easter Lunch is going to look like. Will there be another dessert collaboration? Will the lamb be traditional or is the Chef going to mix it up? Anyone have something exciting they're doing and would like to share? I look forward to hearing from you!


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